

Komandor was established in 1992. From its initial beginnings in import and distribution, Komandor saw strong growth allowing it to launch its own manufacturing plant in Radom, Poland, just two years later. Fully automated production began in 1994. From the outset, Komandor has always achieved the highest standards of design, build and quality, earning itself a reliable and respected reputation amongst its customers, partners and competitors. In 2014 Komandor was awarded superbrands status and today it is a world leader in its field.

Komandor Brand

New year, new objectives!

We welcome our new partners and push forward  to make this year even better for Komandor.

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Superbrands 2014/2015

Uzyskanie prestiżowego tytułu Superbrands Created in Poland 2014/2015

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Nowe produkty

Wprowadzenie systemu drzwi przesuwnych bez widocznych ramek o nazwie Heliodor.

Wprowadzenie innowacyjnego systemu Comfort Touch.



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Further expansion on Arab markets.

We are currently preparing to start operations in Saudi Arabia.

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The Golden Badge of the “2013 Consumer Quality Leader”

Komandor receives the “Recess and Wardrobe Fitting” award.

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Success of the MSP Federation

Spectacular success of the non-government organisation established by Komandor. The MSP Federation won a two-year-long battle defending the entrepreneurs of the furniture industry, who now take advantage of the reduced VAT rate.

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